Making his way into the franchise within this installment, Tekken 7(2015), Claudio is said to be the most powerful exorcist known in the world. This title brings about a boastful personality, often heard from his demeaning intro dialogue. Claudio is catergorized as a novice character due to his simplistic combos and execution. He is also an easy character to learn about stance transitions, as some moves that he performs puts him into a stance called Startburst; which is indicated by his glowing hand. This beginner friendly mechanic to his character makes him a good candidate for starting to learn the game.
1. A good tool when used sparingly, provides a way to close the distance while also dealing a lot of damage.
2. A good tool used to mixup your opponent due to speed at which both hits can hit. This move can be performed in either his default stance or his Startburst stance; but will only knockdown when done in Starburst.
3. A good way to track a stepping opponent and will instant tailspin upon a counter hit.
4. One of his good low pokes that has good range.
5. This move is the best hopkick in the game; allowing him to crush lows and highs, as well as mids in some instances, and leads to good damage. Depending on how the combo is ended, it may even lead to his Starburst form; allowing for greater mixup opportunities.
Player | Country |
Shadow 20z | United States |
Breadman | South Korea |
Kukudas | South Korea |