Intoduced in this installment in the series, Tekken 7(2015), Lucky Chloe is quite different from the normal style of characters. Her style and demeanor resembles that of a Japanese idol, which can be seen through her clothing and any of her cinematics. Lucky Chloe also has a unique fighting style, which often appears like she's freestyle dancing; along with her dialogue and rhythmic counting during fights. She is able to output for string damage from her combos and has many useful pokes. Her playstyle, although very risky, allows her to crush and evafe many attacks, much like that of Xiaoyu. Her Rage Art is also special because she's able to increase her damage from 50 to 60 points by timing each button press to the time that she says each letter.
1. A solid poke that checks opponents and good for preventing sidestepping opponents; you can also press d/f+1,3 to go into backturn or left twist stance, each allowing for further mixups.
2. Her 1,2 extensions are to get her offense started and allow provides options for each situation, such as for a stepping opponent (1+2 extension). The 1 extension after 1,2 is her wallbounce.
3. A strong mid move to check stepping opponents, although there are situations where the opponent can step right to avoid it after a move. It is also a counter hit launcher.
4. This move is really good when used carefully because it's evasive, a high crush, and a counter hit launcher that leads to big damage. The move does leave her backturned, whether whiffed or blocked, both leaving her in an unfavorable position.
5. This tool is for good mixing up your opponent in crouch. This move alos leads to a combo if it lands counter hit.
6. Her hopkick is amongst the best in the game due to it being able to evade some highs, lows, and some mids. It is better to do her neutral hopkick (u+3) due to safer pushback.
7. A grab that doesn't do any damage but leaves the opponent guessing a mixup. Lucky Chloe is guaranteed a d/f+3,3 after grabbing on every character except Master Raven and Xiaoyu.
Player | Country |
Jeondding | South Korea |
DoomedDanny | United States |
Fusion | United States |