An original character from the first installment of Tekken(1994), Lee is the epitome of class and elegance. His flashy and seamless moves that transition into one another makes him really appealing to watch in combat.Being the adoptive son of Heihachi, making Kazuya his adoptive older brother and Jin, his adoptive nephew. Lee eventually founded and became the CEO of Violet Systems. Known for his use of the word "Excellent", he is also known for being a fashionable ladies man. He also has an alter ego who goes by the name of "Violet"; who equally shares his personality as well as the same moves. Outside of his appearance, Lee is one of the most demanding characters to play; His high execution and demanding skills to use his tools effectively are what makes him challenging to play. Being able to be victorious over your opponents with Lee is definitely a rewarding feeling.
1. A good move used for locking down your and keep them from stepping. It's also good for transitioning into his Hitman Stance(HMS). On CH, this move allows you to perform b+3,3 for a combo.
2. One of Lee's best tool, this move is good for playing keepout and can lead to a CH launcher if the opponent comes in pressing buttons.
3. A solid move to keep pressure on your opponent, especially if done at a close range(iWR).
4. A risky but very solid, high crushing low that can transition into HMS. On CH, b+3,3 can be used to adjust into a combo but must done after HMS transition.
5. A good tool used for mixups out of FC(Full Crouch). If ws+2,3 lands on the opponent, f,F+3 can be used to deal more damage if timed correctly. As well as Lee's rage drive, which will result in a combo.
6. Another useful tool for mixups in FC when used hand in hand with other ws moves, such as the moves in the previous video.
7. A useful to for closing in or keeping out the opponent. On hit, this moves also allows for a b+3,3 pick up but a quick forward dash is needed.
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Imyourfather | South Korea |
FightingGM | United States |
Miirio | United Kingdom |
Akash | United States |